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art news today 24.05.2013

Eingabedatum: 24.05.2013

art news today 24.05.2013


Hatje Cantz | fotoblog

2013-05-24 14:19:21 - http://www.hatjecantz.de/fotoblog/

Unser Gastblogger im Mai - Jeffrey Ladd

Amerikanischer Fotograf 1968 geboren in Elkins Park Pennsylvania. Seine Arbeiten wurden im Art Institute Chicago, Oklahoma City Museum of Art, Int. Center of Photography, Soros Foundations Open Society Institute und vielen anderen Orten ausgestellt. Er widmet seine Zeit der Fotografie und dem Schreiben über Fotografie.

American photographer born in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania in 1968. His work has been exhibited at the Art Institute of Chicago, Oklahoma City Musuem of Art, Int. Center of Photography, Soros Foundations Open Society Institute, Museum of the City of New York among others. He splits his time between photographing and writing about photography.

Jeden Monat ein anderer Experte. Wir haben neun bekannte Blogger und Spezialisten aus der internationalen Fotoszene eingeladen... Read more

Another expert every month: We've invited nine well-known bloggers and specialists from the international photography scene... Read more

Paul Schimmel joins gallery world, creating Hauser Wirth & Schimmel - latimes.com

2013-05-24 14:21:31 - http://www.latimes.com/entertainment/arts/culture/la-et-cm-paul-schimmel-gallery-0130523,0,5768296.s

Schimmel, 58, confirmed that he will be helping the powerhouse gallery, which currently has locations in Zurich, London and New York, to develop a new space in Los Angeles called Hauser Wirth & Schimmel. It is expected to open in 2015.

Do not, however, expect a West Coast gallery in the spirit of L&M Arts or Matthew Marks, which are smaller outposts of blue-chip New York operations.

tobias berger - artforum.com / 500 words

2013-05-24 11:00:21 - http://artforum.com/words/id=40974


Photo by jamesfrancotv • Instagram

2013-05-24 11:00:09 - http://instagram.com/p/ZpzLS0S9bI/

Pace gallery, London - show opens June 5th - James Franco presented by Douglas gordon

HdKLecture_Ch.Mouffe_HagueYang - YouTube

2013-05-24 10:59:57 - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ox9bJGlnUGM&feature=youtu.be&a

Ladesymbol Abos werden geladen...

Interview: Artist Theaster Gates Discusses His New MCA Exhibit: Chicagoist

2013-05-24 10:59:49 - http://chicagoist.com/2013/05/23/interview_theaster_gates_13th_balla.php#photo-1

As one of Chicago's brightest stars in the international art community, Theaster Gates' current exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art opened last weekend to great anticipation. 13th Ballad is an extension of 12 Ballads for the Huguenot House, Gates' work which was co-produced by the MCA last year for dOCUMENTA (13), an international art exhibition in Kassel, Germany.

Hier haben wir ein Video zu Theaster Gates auf der documenta

Twitter / MarianGoodman: Lawrence and Alice Weiner ...

2013-05-24 10:59:28 - https://twitter.com/MarianGoodman/status/337694148037599232/photo/1

Lawrence and Alice Weiner celebrating his doctorate. Go LW!


Kataloge/Medien zum Thema: twitter

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Anzeige Galerie Berlin

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Galerie im Körnerpark

Anzeige Galerie Berlin

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Haus am Kleistpark | Projektraum

Anzeige Galerie Berlin

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GEDOK-Berlin e.V.

Anzeige Galerie Berlin

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Galerie im Tempelhof Museum

Anzeige Galerie Berlin

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GalerieETAGE im Museum Reinickendorf