Boris Lurie


Clement Cogitore, Preisträger PRIX MARCEL DUCHAMP 2018

04.12. - 31.12.2018 | Centre Pompidou, Paris

The jury for the 2018 Marcel Duchamp Prize convened on this Monday, the 15th of October, to choose the laureate of the Prix Marcel Duchamp from among the four artists nominated for this edition : Mohamed Bourouissa, Clément Cogitore, Thu-Van Tran and Marie Voignier. The jury made its deliberations following a presentation of the artists by their reporters in the aforesaid order : Carlos Basualdo, Jean-Charles Vergne, Katerina Gregos and Géraldine Gourbe.

The jury, comprised of seven personalities - Bernard Blistène, Gilles Fuchs, Jean-Claude Gandur, Maja Hoffmann, Laurent Le Bon, Marina Loshak and Akemi Shiraha – has awarded the Prix Marcel Duchamp 2018 to Clément Cogitore, born in Colmar (France) in 1983.
He lives and works in Paris.

« The jury of the Marcel Duchamp Prize has awarded the prize of its eighteenth edition to Clément Cogitore.

Drawn from his numerous films, videos, installations and photographs, his work takes a powerful and penetrating look at the most contemporary subjects and appropriates highly sophisticated technologies in the aim of questioning the status of images in a world overfed with information. Somewhere between archaisms and apocalyptic tales, The Evil Eye, created for the present edition, appears as both an overview and an outcome of research specific to a reflection on a society saturated with signs to the point of absurdity. »
Bernard Blistène, Director of the musée national d’art moderne - Centre Pompidou

« I am very happy about the nomination of Clément Cogitore. This is the first time that the Prix Marcel Duchamp is dedicated to an artist whose work is often considered as belonging to the world of film. This choice shows to what extent the Marcel Duchamp Prize is sensitive to all forms of current creation. By transforming the meaning of recuperated images, Clément Cogitore shows himself to be “duchampien” in the best sense of the word. » Gilles Fuchs, Président de l’ADIAF

The exhibition of the four artists is being shown in the Centre Pompidou in Galerie 4 until the 31st of December, 2018.


Kataloge/Medien zum Thema: Clément Cogitore

Clément Cogitore:

- 8. Yokohama Triennale 2024

- art berlin 2017

- Berlin Biennale 2022

- Biennale de Lyon 2022

- Manif d'art 8 2017

- Preistraeger Prix Marcel Duchamp
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