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Circuit: Hyperlink, Tate Modern | Tate

installations, performances and workshops

Tate Modern | 26 – 28 April 2013
Eingabedatum: 17.03.2013

Circuit: Hyperlink, Tate Modern | Tate


Hyperlink is a major festival for young people at Tate Modern, Hyperlink will take place in The Tanks and Turbine Hall at Tate Modern on 26 – 28 April. Hyperlink is a three day festival of installations, performances and workshops by visual artists, designers, gastronomists and musicians developed and produced by and for young people.

Hyperlink is the first of eight festivals around the country happening as part of CircuitHyperlink has been curated by Tate Collective London, a group of young creatives aged 15-25 years, who produce dynamic programme for young audiences across Tate Modern and TateBritain.

Hyperlink will feature exciting performances by critically acclaimed musicians such as Akala, George the Poet, Sway and Kano. In addition to live music, there will be artist-run workshops, installations and interactive artworks, one installation will see the Turbine Hall transformed with a cascading flotilla of handmade boats. Visitors can pop by for five minutes, stay for a few hours or for both days, and there will be special artist talks, food stalls and more.

Highlights include:

Hyperlink is the first in a series of national festivals being developed as part of Circuit, a new national youth network for the visual arts. Supported by thePaul Hamlyn Foundation, Circuit aims to reach 80,000 young people aged 15-25 over four years, through festivals, sustained partnership work and artist-led projects. The programme provides opportunities for young people across theUK, particularly those who have the least access to the arts, to participate and shape their own cultural experiences. Alongside Tate are five national partners: firstsite,Colchester; MOSTYN, Llandudno North Wales; Nottingham Contemporary;WhitworthArtGallery,Manchester; and Wysing Arts Centre in collaboration with Kettle’s Yard, Cambridgeshire. All four Tate galleries will be involved: Tate Modern and TateBritain inLondon, Tate Liverpool, and Tate St Ives (working closely withNewlynArtGallery and The Exchange).

Young People’s Programme and Tate Collective 

Tate delivers a wide range of opportunities for young people, aged 15 to 25, to engage with art and artists’ practices. These initiatives act as a catalyst for informal learning through collaboration, participation and production.


Kataloge/Medien zum Thema: Festival

  • Art Bodensee 2013 mit internationalen Galerien

  • IN TRANSIT - Transforming the Arts

  • 5. Werkleitz-Biennale

  • Konferenz und Festival für Interaktive Medien

  • Das Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin (12 / 02)

  • CYNETart - Internationaler Wettbewerb für computergestützte Kunst (31.1.03)

  • European Media Art Festival (23.04.-27.04.03)

  • Art Cologne 2003 (29.10 – 02.11.2003)

  • Junge Initiativen im Museum Ludwig zum zweiten Mal ausgezeichnet (18.6.04)

  • VIPER Basel - Internationales Festival für Film, Video und neue Medien (18.11.-22.11.04)

  • Heimat Moderne - Experimentale 1, Leipzig (5.3. - 11.9.05)

  • European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück (20. bis 24. April 2005)

  • Fotosommer 2005 - Festival der Fotografie (Juni-September 2005)

  • Ars Electronica - Linz (1.9.-6.9.2005)

  • Bilanz Festival Ars Electronica 2005

  • CYNETart_05fragile - Computergestützte Kunst in Dresden (24.11.-27.11.)

  • twitters tages themen

  • Klangpark zum ISCM World New Music Festival 2006 in Stuttgart - Bruce Odland (USA) & Sam Auinger (A)

  • Ars Electronica 2006, Linz (31.8.-5.9.06)

  • Sound Zero. Kunst und Musik vom Pop zur Street Art - Kunst Meran (9.9.06-7.1.07)

  • Allan Kaprow "Die Entstehung des Happenings" - Haus der Kunst, München (18.10.06-21.1.07)

  • NAM JUNE PAIK AWARD 2006 an Abu Ali alias Toni Serra

  • Phaenomenale 2007 - Kunstverein Wolfsburg (Jan / Feb 2007)

  • "Modelle für Morgen: Köln" - European Kunsthalle, Köln (2.3.-28.4.07)

  • 20. European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück (25.04.–29.04.07)

  • Andreas Gursky

  • 21. Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festival for Expanded Media

  • 21. Stuttgarter Filmwinter Festival for Expanded Media

  • EMAF - European Media Art Festival, Osnabrück (23.4.-27.4.08)

  • Ars Electronica 2008, Linz (4.9.-9.9.08)

  • (keine) Angst - Kunstverein Ludwigshafen (12.9.-02.11.08)

  • Lawrence Weiner: AS FAR AS THE EYE CAN SEE - K21, Düsseldorf (27.9.08-11.1.09)

  • 22. European Media Art Festival - Osnabrück (22.4.-26.4.09)

  • F-Stop Fotografiefestival, Leipzig (1.-7.7.09)

  • "Cologne OFF V" eröffnet die Bewerbungsphase

  • Kunstfestival "Subvision" in Hamburg (27.8.-6.9.09)

  • Ars Electronica Festival 09 - Linz (3.9.-8.9.09)

  • Werkleitz Festival - Halle (9. - 25.10.09)

  • European Media Art Festival. Mash up - Osnabrück

  • Ars Electronica 2010 – Vorschau

  • ANZEIGE: Start der filmbar 2010 - Museum Ludwig, Köln

  • Festival Dockville - Hamburg

  • Escape 2010. The Golden Cage. International Exhibition of Urban Art - Wien

  • Bjørn Melhus NACHTWACHE / NIGHTWATCH - Kunstmuseum Kloster Unser Lieben Frauen, Magdeburg (Anzeige)

  • Festival "Blauverschiebung No 3" feierte internationale Performancekunst in Leipzig

  • Bestätigt: Deutscher Pavillon wird auf der Biennale Venedig Christoph Schlingensief präsentieren

  • Spezial: Eva Biringer aus Wien über eine Hommage an Schlingensief

  • 5. Triennale der Photographie

  • VIDEONALE 13 – Festival für zeitgenössische Videokunst

  • top

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